“Riding with Marc” Podcast

Tips for Drivers
Stories from the Road
Conversations & Interviews
Karaoke with Passengers

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Tips for Drivers

Podcast episodes dedicated to advice for drivers

  1. TIP: OFFER FREE BEVERAGES - Many Lyft and Uber drivers offer free water or other refreshments to passengers. Is it worthwhile to do this? LISTEN NOW!
  2. TIP: PROVIDE CHARGING CABLES - Why you should absolutely provide charging cables (of all 3 types) for your passengers. LISTEN NOW!
  3. TIP: CHANGE THE MUSIC - In this episode we talk about offering to change the music for your passengers and using something like Apple Music Spotify or Amazon music to allow you to pick any artist genre decade etc. to create a custom playlist. LISTEN NOW!
  4. TIP: IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT - If you offer in-car entertainment options, you will truly stand out from the crowd. Karaoke, Trivia, etc. are relatively easy to do and make for some really fun ride experiences. LISTEN NOW!
  5. TIP: MAKING CONVERSATION - Some passengers will want to talk with their drivers and some will not. Some drivers love talking with passengers and others hate it. But you will definitely have to converse with your passengers some of the time, and you should know when to converse with not to converse and ideally make the conversation as much as possible about the passenger and not about you. LISTEN NOW!
  6. TIP: USE MULTIPLE APPS AND PHONES - In this episode I suggest the drivers use multiple apps and phones to take advantage of the market and track where passengers and other drivers are located. LISTEN NOW!
  7. TIP: MAKE A WELCOME SIGN - Boost your tips and ratings with a customized welcome sign that explains your ride features, rules and amenities. LISTEN NOW!
  8. TIP: KEEP IT CLEAN! - In this episode I talk about the value of keeping your car nice and clean inside and out. LISTEN NOW!
  9. TIP: MY ORIGINAL WELCOME RAP!!!! - I turned my welcome sign info into a welcome rap song, and I could not possibly have predicted he awesomely positive response. People go NUTS over it. They LOVE it. and tips have literally DOUBLED. LISTEN NOW!
  10. TIP: THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX - In this episode I talk about unexpectedly wild success of my in car welcome rap. My advice to drivers is that you don’t have to rap to your passengers but you should figure out a way to think outside the box and create the unique customer service experience that will dramatically improve your rider satisfaction and your income. LISTEN NOW!
  11. TIP: BE FLEXIBLE WITH YOUR DRIVING STRATEGY - In this episode I discuss various strategies that I have used in driving the Cleveland rideshare market. I also discuss how certain strategies can be effective one day and ineffective the next. You will need to discover and find the strategies that work in your particular market and you should be flexible enough to change strategies with things aren’t working. LISTEN NOW!
  12. TIP: KEEP A LOG - In this episode I discussed the importance of keeping a log of your workday, including hours, miles, rides given, and income earned each night or day that you work. The benefit for tax purposes is great if you keep accurate track of your work related miles and expenses. LISTEN NOW!
  13. TIP: SET THE TONE (BE A THERMOSTAT NOT A THERMOMETER) - In this episode I discuss the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and expressing that positivity to your passengers. In this way you can impact their day and often change their tone or attitude as well. LISTEN NOW!
  14. TIP: MAKE YOUR CAR AN EXPERIENCE! - In this episode I discuss ways that you might make your ride a unique and memorable experience. LISTEN NOW!
  15. TIP: JUST DRIVE ALREADY! - In this episode I discuss the issue of being too picky about which rides to accept. If you just accept all or most of the rides you’re given as a driver you may find yourself staying busier and making more money. LISTEN NOW!
  16. TIP: IS THE AIRPORT WORTH IT? - In this episode I discuss whether or not working the airport is worthwhile in the Cleveland market. Your results may vary in other markets. LISTEN NOW!
  17. TIP: FOCUS ON ONE PASSENGER AT A TIME - In this episode I talk about not despising the small rides or worrying about how you can get to the next more lucrative one. Rather, focus on providing the absolute best service that you can to the passenger who’s in your car right now. LISTEN NOW!

Stories from the Road

Hear About my Most Interesting and Bizarre Interactions with Passengers

  • STORY: THE REPENTANT DRUG DEALER - A former drug dealer talks about how hard it is to walk the straight and narrow path of a righteous lifestyle in the midst of life’s trials. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: THEY HANG RIDESHARE THEIVES, DON'T THEY? - In this episode I tell the story of lift stealing Kent cowboys and talk about the dangers of excepting rides outside of the apps. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: DON'T WORRY YOUR DAUGHTER IS NOTHING LIKE US - A pair of female college students tell me about their sexual escapades, drinking and drug use and then ask if I have a daughter their age. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: THE ANGRY ATHEIST - I thought we were just having a polite discussion about religion, but apparently I made an enemy for life. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: ARE YOU GOING TO KILL ME? - A highly paranoid, delusional passenger thinks I want to abduct and kill her... so she attacks me first. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: AM I A GETAWAY DRIVER NOW? - What starts out as an ordinary ride ends up as me helping a young lady elude the local police who are actively looking for her. Pay attention to those red flags. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: DON'T WORRY THIS CAR IS SUPER STEALTHY - A young gay man plans to meet up with his boyfriend for a sexual encounter but doesn't want to wake the household. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: SHE'S A BAD INFLUENCE, BUT I CAN'T RESIST HER - A young man confesses to his many bad life choices and I try to counsel him about who his true friends are. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: CRAZED, DEMON-POSSESSED METH-HEAD WANTS TO KILL ME - Yeah, the title kind of says it all. As this ride goes off the rails, I start recording audio in case I need evidence later ... listen for yourself at the end and you tell me what's happening. I am sure this guy was demon-possessed. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: WHAT ARE THESE KIDS DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? - Are these unaccompanied minors, or just young looking adults? And what on earth are they up to in this bad neighborhood at this strange house in the middle of the night? I hope I don't see their faces on my milk carton later this month. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: THIS RIDE WAS THE BEST PART OF MY DAY - A combination of several short stories about passengers who went from having a terrible day to having a great day because of my ride. This is why I do all that I do for my passengers. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: LYING CHEAT PAYS $40 TIP - In this episode I describe a short ride with a man who is clearly lying through his teeth to his girlfriend on the phone while I transport him to a hook up with his other girlfriend. LISTEN NOW!
  • STORY: WILL YOU BE OUR THERAPIST? - In this episode I start out being asked to give couples’ advice and end up having to throw a distraction to prevent a brawl.  LISTEN NOW!

Conversations & Interviews

Random conversations and interesting interviews with passengers or celebrities or anyone willing ot talk.

  • CONVERSATION: FRANK FROM GEORGIA - In this episode, I feature a conversation with a passenger named Frank from Decatur Georgia. In this conversation we talk about all the forbidden subjects including politics, religion and race. But Frank is a super cool guy and we were able to agree to disagree. LISTEN NOW!
  • CONVERSATION WITH JAY - In this episode I talk with a young actor named Jay about relationships, teambuilding, the state of entertainment and media and more. LISTEN NOW!
  • CONVERSATION WITH JAYVON - In this episode I have a conversation with a young black teacher of eighth graders in the inner-city, who expresses his frustration with the attitudes and behaviors of young people in his school. But he also expresses his hope and encouragement at the successes that he has in mentoring the few that value his teaching. LISTEN NOW!
  • CONVERSATION WITH ANTWON - In this episode I have a conversation with a young sailor named Antoine about racial stereotypes.  LISTEN NOW!
  • CONVERSATION WITH BRIAN - In this episode I speak with a young man who is just returned from a trip to Japan about weird cuisine and Japanese culture. LISTEN NOW!

Karaoke Sessions with Passengers

Hear amazing and hysterical karaoke sessions with my passengers

Featuring the very talented, the barely talented and the very drunk song stylings of anyone crazy enough to get in my car and sing and who is willing to allow me to record the results for your listening pleasure.

©2020 Infinite Creations, LLC.
All rights reserved.

If you are traveling to or from Northeast Ohio you can request a ride with Marc from this website ...

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You can help support Marc, so he can keep creating great content and give stuff away to others as well: